List of Persons Requiring Assistance during Evacuations (大府市避難行動要支援者名簿チラシ)


ページ番号1015427  更新日 2020年9月24日


This system is intended to reduce the number of victims in the event of a natural disaster through mutual assistance between people in the community.

In order to help more people in the event of disasters, the municipality has expanded the scope of the List of People Who Need Support in Evacuation Operations and, from April 2019, and will provide this list to those involved with evacuation support ( Disaster Prevention Organizations, Social Assistance Commission, Police, Fire Department).

Persons who opt in may have their names published on the list. If you wish to receive evacuation support in the event of a catastrophe, please see the PDF and apply to include your name on the list.

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市民協働部 文化スポーツ交流課
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