Hōkago Club Enrollment Applications(放課後クラブ)
Hōkago Club Enrollment Applications
Hōkago Club is an afterschool childcare program for parents who working or otherwise unable to take care of their children during the day. For information on applying to Hōkago Club, please see the following documents:
- Applying for Hōkago Club enrollment for March/Spring holidays/April (PDF 68.8KB)
- enrollment registration form (PDF 242.8KB)
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市民協働部 文化スポーツ交流課
文化振興係・多文化交流係 電話:0562-45-6266
スポーツ推進係 電話:0562-45-6233
市民協働部 文化スポーツ交流課へのお問い合わせは専用フォームをご利用ください。