Obu City Disaster Prevention Guidebook(大府市防災ガイドブック)
Front cover (PDF 1.4MB)
Title of Obu City Disaster Prevention Guidebook/Illustration -
2 About this publication (PDF 889.9KB)
Address of the Mayor / Table of Contents -
3 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 784.8KB)
Fear of the (Massive) Nankai Trough Earthquake occurring / About active faults -
4 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 1.3MB)
Obu City Ground Liquefaction Projection Map -
5 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 960.8KB)
Hazard map for retention ponds in Obu City -
6 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 650.8KB)
Methods of gathering information during a disaster / Do you know anything about “J Alert” ? -
7 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 974.5KB)
How to be safe inside the house / Disaster Prevention Checklist -
8 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 810.6KB)
To make the surroundings of the house safe / Points on safety measures for apartments, condominiums, etc. -
9 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 537.4KB)
Emergency stockpiles (things that are necessary) / Prepare these items as well / Disaster Prevention Checklist -
10 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 871.6KB)
Actions to take “when an earthquake occurs” / What is an Earthquake Early Warning? / What to do “immediately after an earthquake” -
11 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 860.1KB)
Disaster Prevention Checklist / Actions to take “after the shaking has settled down” -
12 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 1.3MB)
When you are indoors in these places -
13 Measures against earthquakes (PDF 1.1MB)
When you are outdoors in these places / Disaster Prevention Checklist -
14 Measures against storm / flood damage (PDF 690.3KB)
Information gathering as the basis for storm / flood damage countermeasures / Know your home’s storm / flood damage risk level / Know the Landslide Hazard Areas -
15 Measures against storm / flood damage (PDF 1.1MB)
Indoor and outdoor storm / flood damage countermeasures / When worried about damage / Disaster Prevention Checklist -
16 Measures against storm / flood damage (PDF 833.7KB)
Typhoon / Torrential rain -
17 Measures against storm / flood damage (PDF 556.2KB)
There is an impending danger! / Disaster Prevention Checklist -
18 Measures against storm / flood damage (PDF 724.6KB)
Evacuate at your own discretion / 3 types of information regarding evacuation -
19 Measures against storm / flood damage (PDF 914.3KB)
Evacuation or Shelter in Place / Learning “how to make a simple stretcher” -
20 Community Disaster Prevention (PDF 814.5KB)
Voluntary disaster prevention organizations in Obu City / Activities during normal situations / Activity during disasters / Why are voluntary disaster prevention organizations necessary? -
21 Community Disaster Prevention (PDF 981.4KB)
People who need special attention / Disaster Prevention Checklist -
22 Community Disaster Prevention (PDF 985.4KB)
Living together with other evacuees / Safety management / Living and sanitation conditions / Proper etiquette -
23 Community Disaster Prevention (PDF 910.1KB)
Preventing the spread of infection / Consideration for people who need special attention / Consideration for women / Disaster Prevention Checklist -
24-25 Flood Map (PDF 1.9MB)
Flood Map -
26-27 Disaster Prevention Map (PDF 2.3MB)
Obu / Yokone autonomous district -
28-29 Disaster Prevention Map (PDF 2.7MB)
Yokoneyama / Kitasaki autonomous district -
30-31 Disaster Prevention Map (PDF 3.4MB)
Kyowa Nishi / Kyowa Higashi autonomous district -
32-33 Disaster Prevention Map (PDF 4.2MB)
Nagakusa / Ishigase autonomous district -
34-35 Disaster Prevention Map (PDF 4.2MB)
Yoshida / Morioka autonomous district -
Back cover (PDF 619.5KB)
Safety conrmation during disasters / Household Disaster Prevention Memo
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