Obu City Bus "Fureai Bus" (ふれあいバス)


ページ番号1005707  更新日 2024年11月26日


 Obu City operates a low-cost community bus called the "Fureai Bus" for its citizens to use and get around town. Each ride costs 100 yen regardless of the distance you travel on the bus. The bus is FREE for the following groups of people:

  1. Elementary school-aged children and under.
  2. People who show their Physical Disability Certificate (Shintai Shōgaisha Techō), Rehabilitation Certificate (Ryōiku Techō) or Mental Disability Health Welfare Certificate (Seishin Shōgaisha Hoken Fukushi Techō) to the bus driver and their carer.
  3. People over 70 years of age who show their “Fureai Pass 70” to the bus driver. (The “Fureai Bus” is available from the City Hall Welfare Division or from any of the Children’s & Senior Citizen Centres (Jidō Rōjin Sentā) in the city.

The Bus map and time schedule can be downloaded from the PDF links below.


  1. 小学生以下の子ども
  2. 身体障害者手帳、療育手帳、精神障碍者保健福祉手帳を運転手に見せた方と、その介護をしている方
  3. 70歳以上の方で「ふれあいパス70」を運転手に見せた方(「ふれあいパス70」は市役所の福祉課もしくは市内の児童老人センターで受け取ることができます)

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市民協働部 文化スポーツ交流課
文化振興係・多文化交流係 電話:0562-45-6266
スポーツ推進係 電話:0562-45-6233
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