About Pre-school Sessions(プレスクールについて)


ページ番号1033587  更新日 2024年12月13日


At Obu City's Pre-school Sessions, children with non-Japanese backgrounds can receive instruction in basic Japanese language and acclimatization to elementary school life, enabling children to rapidly adjust to their new elementary school environment without being overwhelmed.


Cost: Free

Period: Usually September to March

Number of sessions: Between 10 and 15 sessions at each venue

Venue: Nursery schools (hoikuen) within Obu City (2 or 3 nursery schools)

Time: 16時00分 – 17時00分

Eligibility: Children of non-Japanese backgrounds aged 5 and intending to attend elementary
                 school in the next school year (from April)

Content: Familiarization with quantity/amounts and hiragana script through number games
       and quizzes Simulated school class format to nurture independence Learn about
               rules and required items for school life, and school events

Scenes from Pre-school Sessions

Scenes from Pre-school Sessions1

Scenes from Pre-school Sessions2

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市民協働部 文化スポーツ交流課
文化振興係・多文化交流係 電話:0562-45-6266
スポーツ推進係 電話:0562-45-6233
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