Legal Consultations for Foreigners (人権・法制度多言語情報)
There are some organizations that provide legal information and consultations to foreigners living in Japan. Some examples may be unpaid salary, dismissal, accidents, visa loan and domestic issues.
The Human Rights Bureau at the Ministry of Justice (法務省人権擁擁護局)
The Human Rights Bureau at the Ministry of Justice has a multilingual hotline to answer any questions regarding human rights issues. Please see the PDF below for more information.
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市民協働部 文化スポーツ交流課
文化振興係・多文化交流係 電話:0562-45-6266
スポーツ推進係 電話:0562-45-6233
市民協働部 文化スポーツ交流課へのお問い合わせは専用フォームをご利用ください。