Regarding Scholarships (奨学金について)
Obu City Scholarship Program
To ensure equality of access to education and aim for an educated future society, the City of Obu provides financial assistance for students who may have trouble attending school due to economic reasons.
This scholarship program is funded with donations made in goodwill. If you are interested in making a donation please contact the School Education Division at City Hall anytime.
Applications can be made starting around January of each year. Please inquire for more information
Students who in April will enter high school (koutou gakkou) or the second stage of integrated junior high school and high school institutions (chuutou kyouiku gakkou no koukikatei) or at vocational training high schools (koutou senmon gakkou), and who fulfill the following requirements:
•Resident of Obu
•Has difficulty studying due to financial reasons
•Mentally and physically healthy, has good character and academic ability
•Not receiving scholarships from JASSO or other organizations.
<Support Amount>
Yearly: 180,000円(not required to pay back)
※divided into installments
<Scholarship Period>
Until the end of the regular study period(subject to change)
市民協働部 文化スポーツ交流課
文化振興係・多文化交流係 電話:0562-45-6266
スポーツ推進係 電話:0562-45-6233
市民協働部 文化スポーツ交流課へのお問い合わせは専用フォームをご利用ください。