Special Living Support Payment for Low-income Households (低所得世帯に対する支援金)
Applications closed on March 29, 2024.
Procedures for the addition of children's benefits were also closed on September 30, 2024.
※From mid-January 2024, the city of Obu will mail out “confirmation forms”(kakuninsho) to the head of the household of households not subject to residence tax in fiscal 2023.
To address the various hardships resulting from the rise in cost of living, the City of Obu is providing a special relief payment of ¥70,000 to lower income households.
Heads of households not subject to residence tax (juminzei hikazei-setai / 住民税非課税世帯), and who were registered residents of Obu City as of December 1st 2023, are eligible for this payment (a head of a household consisting of dependents (fuyō shinzoku / 扶養親族) of a person subject to taxation is not eligible).
※If you wish to have the payment transferred to an account other than the one indicted on your confirmation form, please submit the following two items:
・Copy of bank passbook (must show branch and bank account number, located on the first page)
・Personal identification such as Zairyu Card or Drivers License
How to submit: mail the documents with the return envelope included. You do not need a stamp. If you are unable to mail it you can bring it in person to Obu City Hall, Relief Payment Window (1st floor, 7th Window)
The City of Obu will then check the confirmation form and transfer the payment to eligible households. If you need help, bring the contents of the envelope and items needed for the application (bank passbook etc.) to the WELSAPO Foreigner Support Helpdesk on the 3rd floor of Obu City Hall (Cultural Affairs Department.)
*Payment will not be made to households experiencing unexpected sudden financial difficulties (also known as kakei kyuuhen-setai / 家計急変世帯).
*Households consisting only of people who entered Japan after January 2, 2023 are not eligible for benefits.
Additional Payment for Children (Kodomo Kasan)
Households eligible to receive the City of Obu Special Living Support Payment for Low-income Households (70,000 Yen Special Payment), and which also include a child aged 18 years old or younger, will be issued an additional payment of 50,000 Yen per eligible child.
Overview of Additional Payment for Children System
Households receiving the City of Obu Special Living Support Payment for Low-income Households (70,000 Yen Special Payment) which include a child aged 18 years old or younger
Amount of payment
50,000 Yen per eligible child
Account to which payment will be made
In principle, the payment will be deposited in the same account as that used for payment of the City of Obu Special Living Support Payment for Low-income Households (70,000 Yen Special Payment). Except in cases where the previously used account has been closed, etc., payment cannot be made to another account.
Eligible households will be sent a payment notification (furikomi tsūchi-sho) with the payment amount, account, and date of payment.
When the notification arrives, please check the amount and the account details immediately.
If there is any error, or if you do not wish to receive the payment, please contact the City of Obu.
Please be sure to contact the City of Obu by the date indicated in (3) on the notification.
Other information
・A separate application is required for children not registered on the resident register (jūminhyō) as being in the same household as at 1 December 2023, such as a child residing in a school dormitory, etc.
・Plans are underway to extend eligibility for the Additional Payment for Children to children born on or after 2 December 2023. Details will be announced via the City of Obu website, etc., once confirmed.
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